
"Adele, are you trying to take advantage of me?" Jeanette's giggle and the flush on her face suggested the third glass of wine was getting to her.

I felt a bit of a buzz myself, but since I was still nursing my first glass, it was more likely the satisfaction of having the most wonderful woman in the world staring at me with desire that matched my own. "Is it working?" I asked, unable to maintain a straight face.

Her smile broadened. "It has every other year. Why don't we just skip dessert?" This was the eighth year we'd eaten here, starting with the night we'd met at a gallery while I was still in law school. We'd never made it to dessert.

I looked around for our waiter and found my gaze arrested by a couple seated at a booth on the opposite wall. The man happened to be looking in our direction, and our eyes met for a long second. There was a quality to his stare I couldn't explain, but I'm sure it was a hit with the ladies. Or most of them; his physique and the cocky confidence radiating from him were wasted on me.

He blinked, and my eyes skipped sideways to his companion. She didn't do much for me either, since I'd always inclined to classy and elegant -- like Jeanette -- instead of, well, artificial, like... My mind strained to make a connection but failed, distracted by the arrival of our waiter.

"The bill please," I asked absently, still puzzling over the woman. As I stared into space, thinking, she slid out of the booth and stood up. The quality of her motion, caught in my peripheral vision, was instantly familiar, but then it disappeared again as she minced in the direction of the bathroom perched on scandalously high heels. For a second I'd been positive it was Livinia Lindstrom, but everything about her was wrong -- including the fact the guy at her table definitely wasn't her husband, Chase.

I had to satisfy my curiosity. "I'm just going to use the restroom," I told Jeanette, setting my napkin on the table and smoothing my dress as I gained my feet.

"Don't get lost," she smirked, giving me a look that could boil water. "I've only got one walk left in me, and it's the one that ends at the bed."

With that motivation, I hurried toward the back of the restaurant. The bimbo was looking at herself in the mirror, applying more cherry red lip gloss, when I pushed through the ladies' room door. Up close, the resemblance was unmistakable. "Livinia?"

"Oh," she said, looking over, "Adele. How are you? This is your anniversary, isn't it?"

"I'm great," I replied, thinking it was sweet of her to remember. "We're even official, now." I desperately wanted to ask about the bee-stung lips or the bust that looked several cup sizes larger than I recalled. I hadn't seen her for years, since she'd said goodbye to endless days of legal scutwork to start a family. She still wore the rings; Jeanette and I had attended the wedding, but then we'd dropped out of contact. "How about you?"

Livinia exhaled softly and gripped the edge of the sink; I'd have been hanging on for dear life in those shoes, too. "We're good. Chase and I, I mean. He's just some guy I met," she blurted out, anticipating the question I'd barely formed in my own mind. "It's hard to explain."

For the first time, she met my eyes and I recognized in them a haze I'd seen in Jeanette's more than a few times. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" Livinia gasped, and suddenly she hitched up her dress -- what there was of it -- and shimmied out of her panties! I was still gaping when she deposited them in my hand and rushed through the door.

My hand closed reflexively while I struggled to process what I'd just seen. Oh. My. God. Of course, I had to look. Apparently Livinia was into thongs, and what fabric there was in this one was completely soaked through. A closer examination showed semen as well!

Wrinkling my nose, I hurriedly dumped Livinia's underwear in the trash, and then proceeded to wash my hands, twice. Apparently, she'd changed more than just her appearance since the last time we'd met! I was dying to tell Jeanette, but I realized something about the encounter had gotten me revved up, and suddenly talking was the last thing I wanted to do.

It seemed to take forever for our waiter to run my credit card, and I spent the time undressing Jeanette with my eyes -- making sure she could see I was doing it. Still, even her sultry smile couldn't keep me from darting an occasional glance across the room at Livinia. She had her head thrown back, eyes closed, and her date's arm was moving rhythmically, his hand hidden by the tablecloth. I was almost positive he was touching her, and the way he was looking at me while he did it finally creeped me out.

In one year of dating, five years of living in sin, and one of married bliss, Jeanette and I had never had a night to compare with this one. We barely made it to the bedroom before I was all over her, and Jeanette's surprise quickly turned to pleasure as my fingers teased her out of her cocktail dress and my mouth fastened on a nipple.

The first orgasms were quick, rushed, like the boys I'd experimented with in my teenage years, but like a bed of coals burning hotter than a live flame, our sweat-slicked bodies continued to writhe against each other. Her gasps and sighs echoed my own as knowing touches raised goosebumps on our heated flesh, each of us taking the other higher until broken moans signaled another orgasm, spurring me to greater desire.

I must have fallen into a restless sleep, because at some point the woman with me morphed into Livinia. She lay beneath me, overcome with lust, as I caressed her swollen tits and explored the denuded mound my imagination constructed from that glimpse in the bathroom. At the same time, other hands stroked my body, discovering erogenous spots I didn't even know I had and driving me to an absolute frenzy.

Finally, at the point I knew I was either going to climax or die, those hands spread my thighs, spreading my leaking moisture down them, and I felt--

I started awake, soaking wet and panting, already retreating from the edge. Jeanette lay beside me, the soft sound of her breath just audible in the quiet bedroom. Feeling simultaneously unfaithful and needy, I quietly slipped a finger between my slick folds, but the moment was gone beyond recapture.

It took me a long time to fall asleep again, and if I dreamed, I didn't remember it.

"Kelsie, can you come in for a moment?" It had taken several nights of the same dream, each followed by a day of indecision and recrimination, to force me to this point.

My intern, which pretty much meant "unpaid admin," hurried into my office and looked inquisitively at me. I don't know that I would have given her the job, but then I was only an associate and not a member of the hiring committee. Kelsie was intelligent and energetic, and really attractive -- I mean really attractive -- but I worried she was there because of who she was related to rather than who she was.

"What did you need, Adele?" she asked, rocking restlessly on the balls of her feet.

My doubts about Kelsie didn't make me blind to the advantages of having an effective administrative assistant instead of having to share pool personnel with the other associates. "I need the number for a Livinia Lindstrom; she was a paralegal for Parker & Downing up until about six years ago. You might need to check under Livinia Willis."


She had it to me before lunch, robbing me of the chance to second-guess myself for another day. It was dumb to keep prolonging the agony; I just wanted a little closure so I could move on with my life. With a sigh, I punched in the number and leaned back in my chair as the phone rang.

"Hello?" Livinia's voice sounded husky, and there was muted noise in the background. It didn't sound like she was at home, but maybe her son was old enough to be in school?

"Hi, Livinia; it's Adele. Um, can you talk?" The rational part of my mind hoped she'd say no.

"I'm so glad you called!" she answered. "I meant to give you my number the other night, but... it slipped my mind." Probably while you were riding that cock, I snarked to myself, immediately feeling mean for thinking it. "But I'm a little busy at the moment -- could we get together right after work?"

It seemed like a bad idea. "Well," I hesitated, trying to decide how best to make a graceful refusal.

"Please?" Livinia asked.

The way she said that one word instantly brought the dreams that had been plaguing me to the front of my mind. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I hadn't done anything wrong, and I wasn't going to do anything wrong. It was just two acquaintances catching up. Perfectly normal. "How about 5:30, someplace downtown?" It was a little early, but nobody would mistake it for anything except business.

"Oh, great!" she exclaimed, sounding now like the bimbo I'd seen in the restaurant. "I'll get us a table at the Jefferson!" It was close, but a little grander than I'd planned -- the Jefferson Hotel was where all the visiting bigwigs stayed when they were in town, and the restaurant was decidedly upscale. I occasionally took clients there when I wanted to impress them and could get away with charging the firm.

Well, it was her choice. I could do with just an appetizer and a drink, I decided; my workout schedule had suffered and a few less calories wouldn't kill me. "At 5:30, then," I sighed, glad I'd have it out of the way.

"See you soon, Adele! Oooh!" Livinia gasped and the line went dead. Had she just dropped the phone?

Another puzzle. I sighed and asked Kelsie to reschedule my 4:30 meeting just in case it ran long, and then I called Jeanette at the gallery to let her know I'd miss dinner. I tried to tell myself I was just being efficient by calling right away, when I knew she'd be at lunch and I could leave the message on her voicemail instead of talking to her personally. There was no reason to mention the subject of my meeting; she and Livinia had never been in the same circles.

Nothing was wrong, I reminded myself. Then I remembered the feel of Livinia's sticky thong and squirmed again. Yeah, right.

"Adele Janssen, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked the mirror in the ladies' room just after 5:00. I'd cleared out my inbox and sent Kelsie home, and decided a pre-emptive stop would ensure I wouldn't have to share a bathroom with Livinia again -- just in case.

That was when I'd finally noticed that for some unfathomable reason I'd put on stockings and a garter belt that morning instead of my usual hose. Jeanette had given them to me for her birthday -- "just like a man," I'd teased her -- and they were totally unsuitable for the office. Of course, beneath the corporate skirt and jacket, nobody could tell the difference, but I knew. It didn't feel right; I twitched my skirt a little more firmly onto my hips, as if that would make any difference.

"You are going to get past this, this fantasy and put it behind you," I ordered myself. "Life is too short and Jeanette doesn't deserve it." Since this wasn't technically a business meeting, I touched up my lips with the lipstick I kept for evenings out. It was perhaps a little bold for the suit, but... What was I thinking? I doubted Livinia would notice.

I gave my name to the host at the Jefferson restaurant exactly at 5:30.

He scanned the list and looked up. "Ms. Janssen, Ms. Lindstrom regrets to inform you that she is indisposed, and requests that you join her in her room." He held out a key card, surprisingly heavy, embossed with the Jefferson logo.

Nonplussed, I stared at it for a moment before forcing a brief smile and thanking him. What did she think this was? An assignation?

I forced my temper into check and seriously considered just chucking the key into one of the lobby trash cans before going home; we could get Chinese and cuddle on the couch. Just the thought of it put me in a better mood.

The key looked expensive, though, and there was the typical end-of-day crowd surrounding the front desk. Fuck it, I decided. Maybe we'd been co-workers once, casual friends at best, but this Livinia was a stranger and I was tired of getting jerked around. I'd give her the key in person, along with a piece of my mind, and go back home where I belonged!

Finally freed of debilitating doubt, I marched into the elevator and looked at the key again; a small sticker was affixed to it. 3300 was an odd room number, but the elevator did have a "33" button at the top -- which seemed to be dead.

The doors had closed before I figured out that I needed to insert the card in the slot beside the button before it would illuminate. The elevator car rose smoothly, and the doors opened again to reveal a small atrium featuring a single door on the other side. Livinia had the penthouse? That must be some story -- but, no, I told myself.

Key card or not, it didn't feel right to just walk in. Luckily, there was a bell button beside the door. A soft chime within the room answered my touch.

A moment later, Livinia opened the door and I forgot everything I was planning to say.

She was completely naked, a light sheen of sweat or lotion gilding her bare flesh, and every aspect of her body screamed "just been fucked" -- I'd have bet my last dollar on it.

"Just leave!" she moaned, but she said it like seductress enticing a lover into her bed, even as she opened the door wider and stepped aside to allow me entrance into the room.

The forgotten card still clutched in my hand, I found I couldn't look away, and took a step forward as she retreated. Then another step. Another, and the door was closing, unnoticed, behind me.

Livinia looked exactly the same way she had in my dreams. The globes of her breasts, tipped by nipples I knew would ripen beneath my touch, a taut stomach underlaid with muscle that would tighten when I probed between her fleshy lips, glistening with the scent of her desire. My mouth opened in an involuntary sigh.

Her eyes moved sideways, and I belatedly realized we weren't alone. It was the man from the restaurant, of course; I'd recognize that predatory look of his anywhere.

At close range, his stare wasn't just arresting; it was compelling. I felt like I was in a giant microwave, his attention igniting fires inside me that leaked out to baste my inner thighs before soaking into my hose. I wore no panties that might impede access to my sex, and I fumbled one-handed with the buttons of my blouse before Livinia stepped closer and assisted me.

Thank God I hadn't worn a bra! I thought at the first touch of her fingers on my skin, but the only sounds that emerged from my tight throat were unintelligible moans.

It was my dream made real, but with an immediacy and vibrancy that burned itself into my psyche. My imagination had no concept of the arousing pressure of Livinia's unnaturally firm breasts pressing against my own, more modest, mounds. I realized I hadn't dreamed taste until my tongue penetrated Livinia's core and discovered the sweet cream of semen laced through her beguiling ambrosia.

And best of all, it didn't end and leave me hanging. This time I screamed my ecstasy into Livinia's trembling body when hands -- His hands -- spread me and filled me with His magnificent organ. I rocked helplessly beneath the force of His powerful thrusts, and then my entire consciousness was consumed by the wracking mother of all orgasms when I felt His seed jetting into me.

My soul soared almost free of the chains of my body, and in that moment of enlightenment I realized my completion stemmed not from the woman writhing beneath me or even the physical stimulation of my flesh, but from my obedience to The Master's will. The last dregs of guilt and self-loathing at my betrayal of Jeanette floated away, leaving me at peace with my new place in life.

I regained a sense of my surroundings with a start, realizing I was lying on the floor. Master was sitting on the edge of the bed, allowing Livinia to clean Him with slow, deliberate sweeps of her tongue. I sat up hurriedly, wanting to serve Him that way too. He held up a hand and I froze, realizing He wanted my mouth free.

What could he want? "Please, let Jeanette serve you!" I blurted, trying to guess. Of course my marriage vows were just so much ancient history, but I felt proud of myself for thinking of something for Him that would bring her so much pleasure and fulfillment, too.

He smiled, amusement coloring the probing stare that made my insides clench and my brain flat-line. "Perhaps. But tell me, doesn't Catherine Silverman's daughter intern for you?"

"Kelsie? Oh yes," I gasped, fighting the urge to masturbate. My body was for Him now, and clearly His thought was elsewhere. How clever, to ensnare Cathie -- she was worth millions, maybe even billions. But why the indirection? Perhaps I could be more useful than He realized. "I could just set up a meeting with Catherine."

"In time, I'm sure," he replied. "But you'll agree that Kelsie is far more attractive, surely?"

Oh God yes, she's attractive. If it hadn't been for those burdensome professional ethics and misguided loyalty to Jeanette, I'd have hit on her months ago. Always pushing the dress code. Her breasts weren't all they could have been, but she was young and toned and mouth-watering...

I snapped out of my reverie, embarrassed to have kept Him waiting. "I could set up a meeting with you in my office tomorrow morning, and ask her to sit in?" His smile made my insides clench, and I lay back, offering myself.

"Do you know why I do this, Adele?"

It seemed pretty obvious. Livinia looked like a fantasy whore and Kelsie was a walking stroke session, not to mention her rich mother. And I was pretty hot myself, if not in their league.

"Of course you don't, not really," He said. His lightest touch backed Livinia off His reviving organ, and then He pointed silently at me.

She hesitated, as if she were capable of opposing Him, and then turned to me. I had just a glimpse of a tear on her cheek before her face lowered between my legs and her tongue probed at my pussy. Livinia's technique was lacking, but I wriggled contentedly at the knowledge we were pleasing Him.

"It's not just the sex," He confided, holding my attention without effort. "It's the mastery, the knowledge that you will do anything I ask, no matter how humiliating or degrading or wrong. There's a special thrill I get watching you fight, like a fish already in the net, knowing your struggle only serves to prolong my pleasure."

He sighed, His cock bobbing more firmly erect. "Did you ever realize how much poor Livinia is disgusted by lesbians?" My surprise was obvious on my face. "She's very devout, you know -- or was. I'm afraid cuckolding her husband with another woman, and a married one at that, has convinced her she'll be going to Hell. I was sure I'd be bored with her by now, but she's still resisting -- not that you noticed."

"And I'm looking forward to meeting Kelsie." I watched His cock throb, pleased my body was helping perfect Livinia's devotion to Him. "I'm going to enjoy using all of her holes, but not as much as I'm going to enjoy watching her seduce her own mother!" A glistening drop of precum appeared at the tip of His organ, punctuating His declaration.

I panted, feeling His regard and Livinia's attentions pushing me toward another climax. "And me?" I asked, wanting to know what made me special in His eyes.

"You?" His mouth twisted, fueling a dark corner of my soul. "Frankly, Adele, you're a disappointment." He barked a sharp laugh and stood, fisting His ruddy shaft and denying me the opportunity to serve Him with my body. "You have such a sterling reputation and you're in a long-term relationship, yet I find you're just a hypocritical slut."

"You come to me dressed like a whore, cheat on your wife without a second thought, and your first conscious action is to offer to betray your family and business associates. You pretend to be thoughtful and ethical, but we both know that inside your only thought is for sexual gratification."r"


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